Marine Products
Wide range of consumables and spare parts for vessels
Product Range
- Electrical
- Batteries
- Engine Room
- Medical
- Safety Equipments
- Plumping
- Spare Parts
- Air Conditioning
- Refregiration
- more...
It is very important
The products we supply are important to our Clients. Getting them to you on time, every time is even more so. Quickly without fuss. We know we are only as good as our last delivery. Our Clients appreciate our reliability of the service and integrity with which business is carried out.
We can also help when you need specialist technical assistance. Working closely with local engineers, we can put you in touch with the best people for any particular job
Use us for both the routine and unusual or customized items. You can explain your requirements to us, confident that you are dealing with somebody who understands
We are on call 24/7 for business developments and customer service. This is made possible through the our corporate offices and area sales agents in different continents of the world.